Ahmad Rafsanjani has received a LF Experiment grant of DKK 2M from the Lundbeck Foundation for the project “Deployable Kirigami Electrodes for Minimally-Invasive Electrocorticography“.

Project description: Many brain disorders, like epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease, affect large areas of the brain. Electrocorticography (ECoG) helps diagnose and treat these conditions by placing electrodes on the brain’s surface. Current methods require removing a large portion of the skull, leading to complications and long hospital stays, which deter patients. This project uses kirigami, the art of cutting patterns, to create soft, flexible electrodes that can be inserted through a small skull opening. These grids expand to fit the brain’s shape, making ECoG safer, less invasive, and more accessible.

Read more about Lundbeck Experiment in the foundation’s website:
Risk-taking projects in neuroscience awarded DKK 60 million
There are plenty of innovative researchers in Denmark. Thirty of them have received a 2024 Lundbeck Foundation Experiment grant to test wild ideas in neuroscience that challenge traditional notions.